The 4th installment of the Jurassic Park franchise devours the audience's attention with every scene. Spielberg's once great franchise is back and better than ever. Unfortunately some crummy acting, with the exception of Chris Pratt, restrains this movie from achieveing it's full potential. The special effects are on another level, they combine a world of dinosaurs and humans and make it seemless. New director Colin Trevorrow has done a great job of bringing this franchise back to life.
Director: Colin Treverrow. This is the first big-budget film for Trevorrow and he couldn't have dreamed for better results. He also earned the gig for Star Wars Epsiode IX.
Budget $150,000,000
Domestic Gross $651,482,016
Interesting Facts
Jurassic World has earned the 2nd largest domestic gross of all-time only behind Avatar.
Main Cast
Chris Pratt as Owen
Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing
Ty Simpkins as Gray
Nick Robinson as Zach
The Verdict
Score 8.3/10
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